How to Make Homemade Almond Milk
Have you ever wanted to make your own Almond Milk, but didn’t know how?
Almond milk is a beverage made from ground almonds, often used as a substitute for dairy milk. Unlike animal milk, almond milk contains neither cholesterol nor lactose. As it does not contain any animal products, it is suitable for vegans and vegetarians who abstain from dairy products. I hope you all enjoy this amazing recipe for homemade almond milk. I used vanilla and honey as my flavor and sweetener, but there are so many other flavor profiles that you could use: cinnamon, lemon zest, maple syrup, agave, etc.
If you have recipe you would like to see me make, let me know in the comments below. Let me know of what you think of this recipe on via twitter or instagram(@vegetarianbaker & #thevegetarianbaker)
Learn how to make Chocolate Almond Milk here
6 Health Benefits of Almond Milk:
1. Weight Management: 60 Calories per 8 oz
2. Heart Health: No Cholesterol and 5mg of Sodium per serving
3. Blood Sugar Friendly: 8 grams of carbs/7 grams of sugar
4. Bone Health: 30% more calcium and 25% Vitamin D compared to milk
5. Skin Care: Has 50% daily about of Vitamin E
6. More Muscle Power: Contains 1 gram of protein per serving, but contains Vitamin B a Iron.

- 1 Cup Raw Almonds
- 5 1/2 Cups Filtered Water
- 1 TBS Honey
- 1 TBS Vanilla
- 1. Soak the almonds overnight in 2 cups of filtered water.
- 2. Drain the almonds and put them in a blender with 1 1/2 cups filtered water and flavorings.
- 3. Blend on high for 3 minutes.
- 4. Scrape down sides and add up to 2 more cups of filtered water. (Less water = thicker, more intensely flavored milk)
- 5. Line a colander with cheesecloth, and strain the mixture through it.
- 6. Make sure to squeeze all the milk out of the almonds.
- 7. Drink immediately or store in jar in the fridge.
For how long it can stay in the fridge? Does it thickens after a while?
The milk will last for about 1-2 weeks. I will not last that long though because it is amazing.
It should thicken, but it may separate after sitting awhile. All you have to do is give it a good shake and it is back to normal.
This is so cool! I’m going to go make some almond milk 🙂