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How To Make Vegan Parmesan

Parmesan is enjoyed on pizza, garlic bread, pasta, and many of your favorite dishes as a topping or ingredient. Here’s a Vegan Parmesan recipe that is equally delicious. The cashews give you the desired texture and the nutritional yeast gives you the nutty/cheesy flavor that Parmesan is known for. This Vegan Parmesan recipe will last you a couple weeks in the fridge, but I know mine may not last the to the end of the week. This recipe for Vegan Parmesan is great for vegans and non-vegans alike. If you have recipe you would like to see me make, let me know in the comments below. Let me know of what you think of this recipe on via twitter or instagram(@vegetarianbaker & #thevegetarianbaker)

How To Make Vegan Parmesan  

How To Make Vegan Parmesan
Yields 1
Enjoy the lovely taste of Parmesan in Vegan form. Vegans and Non-vegans love this recipe on pizza, pasta, etc.
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  1. ¾ Cup Raw Cashews
  2. 3 Tablespoons Nutritional Yeast
  3. ¾ Teaspoon Sea Salt
  4. ½ Teaspoon Black Pepper
  5. ¼ Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  1. Place all ingredients into a blender or food processor. Pulse a few times to ensure that everything is mixed.
  2. On low speed, mix for about 30-45 seconds until everything is blended to a consistent size.
  3. Put the vegan parmesan cheese into a container and store in the fridge. Should last 4-5 weeks.
Adapted from Recipe Video Link
Adapted from Recipe Video Link
Vegetarian Baker https://vegetarianbaker.com/

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