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What is VegetarianBaker.com

The Vegetarian Baker Hello! My name is Jac St. John (sounds like Jake) and I run and operate the website. I’ll be posting at least 5 times a week. Occasionally, I will be having contests (i.e. KitchenAid Mixers). 

Monday is Motivation Monday. It will be all focused around health and fitness. This could involve nutrition products, healthy recipes, fitness plans, and just motivating words of advice.

Tuesday is Top 10 Tuesday. This day has so much potential and is not tied down to just one topic. I will be making a top 10 list of anything from quotes, pictures, ideas, products, and anything your mind can think of.

Wednesday is Wish List Wednesday. This will be about products that I would love to own or already own. These will be products I believe in or have faith in.

Thursday is Thirsty Thursday. This will be all about liquid. I will be posting some of my favorite drinks or including recipes for you all to make at home. This will include alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages.

Friday is Food Friday. This day will be all food related. I will be mainly focusing on Vegetarian and Vegan foods. This will be about desserts, dinner, snacks, and anything your stomach can digest. 

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