How To Make Chocolate Hazelnut Milk | Drinkable Nutella
|A few weeks ago, I had a crazy thought, “Can You Drink Nutella?” I wouldn’t advice going out and melting Nutella to drink it, but this very simple nut milk is the next best thing. Many people have had soy and almond milks, but many can’t say that they have had Hazelnut milk. I hope you enjoy this Chocolate Hazelnut Milk recipe. Like most homemade nut milks, you do have to drink it in about 7 days or it will go bad, but this recipe is to good to let go bad. If you have recipe you would like to see me make, let me know in the comments below. Let me know of what you think of this recipe on via twitter or instagram(@vegetarianbaker & #thevegetarianbaker)
I did use a nut bag that was new to me. The brand is Kitchezen. It is made for nut milks, but you can use it for cheese or cold brew coffees. The design of the bag actually is genius. It is welded shut on the sides, which means that the liquid contents only come out at the bottom. If you have ever used cheesecloth, the liquid comes out in every direction possible. If you aren’t careful, this could be a really messy situation. Kitchenzen is confident in their product that it does have a 2 year money back guarantee on it. You can buy the bags on amazon now, but I am going to be giving away 5 of them to you.

- 2 Cups Hazelnuts | Roasted
- 3 1/2 Cups Water (+ some for soaking)
- 1 Cup Dark Chocolate | Melted
- Roast Hazelnuts in a 350 degree oven for 5-10 minutes. You want them to be golden.
- Place the roasted hazelnuts into a container and fill with water. Soak them overnight in the fridge.
- Remove from fridge and drain. Place the drained hazelnuts into a blender with 3 1/2 cups of warm-hot water.
- Blend on high for 2 minutes.
- Pour the blended hazelnuts into a cheese cloth or nut bag. Squeeze all the moisture out.
- Add the melted chocolate to the hazelnut milk. Using warm-hot water, will make this step extremely easy. If you use cold water, you will need to temper the chocolate with a little bit of the milk.
- Store the Chocolate Hazelnut Milk in a container in the fridge. Should last about a week.
- Enjoy!
so easy to make!
It sure is. 😀