Tuxedo Strawberries (Great Valentine’s Day Gift)
|Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, but these treats are amazing year around. This video will teach you how to step up your game and not just do the typical chocolate covered strawberries. This Valentine’s Day recipe will impress all your friends. If you have recipe you would like to see me make, let me know in the comments below. Let me know of what you think of this recipe on via twitter or instagram(@vegetarianbaker & #thevegetarianbaker)

Tuxedo Strawberries
2014-02-04 09:54:42

Valentine's Day is coming up soon, but these treats are amazing year around. Great twist to the traditional chocolate covered strawberries.
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
15 min
- *Pint/Quart of Strawberries (depends on how many you want to eat ;D)
- *Cup of Melted Dark Chocolate
- *Cup of Melted White Chocolate
- Start by washing the strawberries and make sure to dry them well
- Melt the white chocolate and then dip the strawberry into it. You should have a straight line going across the strawberry. (look at the video for a reference)
- Let the white chocolate dipped strawberry set before moving to the next step.
- Melt the dark chocolate and then dip the strawberry into it. You will dip it twice at a 45 degree angle to create a v-shape. (look at the video for a reference)
- Place some of the dark chocolate into a piping bag and make the chocolate buttons for the tuxedo.
- Let it set and Enjoy. If you know you are going to give it as a gift, make sure to make some extra for yourself. 😀
Adapted from The Vegetarian Baker
Adapted from The Vegetarian Baker
Vegetarian Baker https://vegetarianbaker.com/